تعبير عن وظيفة احلامك بالانجليزي

إجابة معتمدة

تعبير عن وظيفة احلامك بالانجليزي، يعتبر مساق التعبير من المواضيع المهمة التي تتضمنها اللغة العربية، وتعمل على تنمية الاسلوب الابداعي والخيالي عند الطلاب، فمن خلال كتابة مواضيع التعبير يمكنهم التعبير عن أحلامهم، ومشاعرهم، وأحداثهم اليومية، وايضاً يمكنهم التعبير عن وظيفة الأحلام، يطلب المعلم من الطلاب استخدام مخيلتهم، وحسهم الابداعي من اجل كتابة موضوع تعبير عن شئ معين، وهذا يقيس مهارتهم في الكتابة، سنعرض لكم في هذا المقال تعبير عن وظيفة احلامك بالانجليزي.

تعبير عن وظيفة احلامك بالانجليزي "Dream job"

The job I dream of is a first-class humanitarian job. I dream that I work as a doctor and specialize in pediatrics. This is because I feel sad when I see a child in pain.

Children cannot express their pain, and therefore they need the doctor to be skilled and compassionate at the same time. I love children very much and I can deal with them with love, and I think that this is important for the pediatrician so that he can treat the child without causing him psychological problems.

The job of a doctor is a noble one, as it heals the body and raises a person’s spirits. Smiling in the patient’s face, and not showing flattery or boredom, helps the patient heal.

The job I dream of is a first-class humanitarian job. I dream that I work as a doctor and specialize in pediatrics. This is because I feel sad when I see a child in pain.

Children cannot express their pain, and therefore they need the doctor to be skilled and compassionate at the same time. I love children very much and I can deal with them with love, and I think that this is important for the pediatrician so that he can treat the child without causing him psychological problems.

The job of a doctor is a noble one, as it heals the body and raises a person’s spirits. Smiling in the patient’s face, and not showing flattery or boredom, helps the patient heal.